And now for something completely different…

Well, not completely different.  This is the Ohh Deer ‘Pillow Fight’ competition.  I’ve been providing bespoke cartoons and illustrations to support articles, social media posts, presentations and books for three and a half years now.  I will continue to do so, but this Autumn I’m also trying something new.

pillow fight


For a limited time, some of my cartoons are available on cushions.  You can see the designs here.  If you happen to like any, it would help me out if you would retweet or like them using the links on the page.  If you really like them, you can even buy a few.

It’s a fun competition to be taking part in and a useful little experiment for me.  I’ve only sold unique, bespoke work before now but if this competition goes well I may well be inspired and emboldened to expand that offering.  Watch this space…

Thank you very much for any likes/tweets/purchases and if you need a bespoke cartoon to support your message, you can still contact me here

All the best,
